The Darkling Child

From New York Times bestselling author Terry Brooks comes a thrilling stand-­alone novel in his legendary Shannara series—the perfect place for new readers to begin. After taking up his enchanted sword against the dark sorcerer Arcannen, Paxon Leah has become the sworn protector of the Druid order. Now a critical hour is at hand, as a beloved High Druid nears the end of her reign and prepares to pass from the mortal world to the one beyond. There is little time for Paxon to mourn his friend and benefactor before duty summons him. For in a distant corner of the Four Lands, the magic of the wishsong has been detected. Paxon must accompany a Druid emissary to find its source—and ensure the formidable power is not wielded by the wrong hands.­But danger is already afoot in the village of Portlow. Gentle traveling minstrel Reyn Frosch possesses the uncanny gift, and curse, of the wishsong. And now his coveted abilities have captured the malevolent interest of none other than Arcannen—whose quest for power is exceeded only by his thirst for vengeance. The lone survivor of a brutal assault on a notorious pirate city, the sorcerer is determined to retaliate against the Federation’s elite military guard—and use the devastating power of the wishsong as his ultimate weapon.­Praise for Terry Brooks“The Sword of Shannara is an unforgettable and wildly entertaining epic, animated by Terry Brooks’s cosmically generative imagination and storytelling joy.­”—Karen Russell, New York Times bestselling author of *Swamplandia! “If Tolkien is the grandfather of modern fantasy, Terry Brooks is its favorite uncle.­”—Peter V. Brett, New York Times bestselling author of *The Desert Spear“I can’t even begin to count how many of Terry Brooks’s books I’ve read (and reread) over the years. From Shannara to Landover, his work was a huge part of my childhood.­”—Patrick Rothfuss, New York Times bestselling author of The Name of the Wind*“Terry Brooks is a master of the craft and a trailblazer who established fantasy as a viable genre. He is required reading.­”—Brent Weeks, New York Times bestselling author of The Night Angel Trilogy“The Shannara books were among the first to really capture my imagination. My daydreams and therefore my stories will always owe a debt to Terry Brooks.­”—Brandon Mull, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Beyonders and Fablehaven series***
The Darkling Child

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Фантастика и Фэнтези From New York Times bestselling author Terry Brooks comes a thrilling stand-­alone novel in his legendary Shannara series—the perfect place for new
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